If you’re ready to have a thriving business filled with ideal clients who are happy to pay you outrageous amounts of money for the pleasure of working with you…then you’re ready for this workshop
Would you like to have a long list of clients who are so committed to working with you that they are willing to wait months until you have an opening?
What We Will Cover
- How to move prospects to action
- How you can show up as an expert
- What to do and say to increase your attraction factor and boost sales
- How to consistently turn conversations into contacts, and contacts into clients
- How to put your ideas on paper and the web
- Creating an executive summary and how to use it
You will develop your core marketing message and how to use it verbally, in print and on the web to connect with your target audience. You will create a short 1-2 page "Executive Summary" that will help your prospects and clients understand why they need to hire you now!
Expect a breakthrough in your thinking and being. You will gain the tools you need to make more money and get more business than you ever dreamed of.
Date: Thursday October 23, 2008
Time: 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Where: Sonoma
In advance: $99.00
At the door: $129.00
To reserve your space for just $99.00
Fill out the form below or download a pdf that you can fill out and send to me via mail:
Completely Creative
16881 Schiller Court
Sonoma, CA 95476-3449
You can reach me by phone at 707.938.2586 or by email at "success@creative1.com"
I will do my best to respond to all calls and inquiries within 48 hours.
Tune Up Your Marketing Workshop
Expect a breakthrough in your thinking and being. You will gain the tools you need to make more money and get more business than you ever dreamed of.
Date: Thursday October 9, 2008
Time: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm
Click here for more details
Your Group Leader
I'm Judy Baker, Certified Action Plan Marketing Coach. I am qualified to assist you in developing and implementing your marketing plan. All Certified Coaches are trained in a comprehensive programand adhere to the highest ethical standards.
I am Completely Creative. I work with creative professionals and small business owners who find marketing overwhelming. I help you become a better marketer.
As your coach, I will show you how to turn confusion into a clear vision and system that will have you consistently attracting your dream clients. I'll teach you how to overcome the obstacles that are holding you back. You'll have more time to do what you love and you'll probably have fun as you become a master of marketing.
I will compassionately train and support you as you practice these new skills. You'll gain confidence while mastering the rules of marketing ball. My mission is help you learn how to cultivate connections and captivate customers consistently.
I inspire contagious communication. I am owner of Completely Creative, a thriving marketing communications company. As a graphic artist, my ability to understand and translate the essence of your business into compelling visual and verbal communications helps you connect with your clients.
I combine skills in theatre arts, human resources and marketing to help my clients develop magnetic marketing materials and presentations. A graduate of San Diego State with a B.A. in Drama and a Master in Human Resources and Organization Behavior from the University of San Francisco, I am part of the Executive Team of the Bay Area Consultant’s Network. I am one of the creators of the North Bay Career Resource Center.
I offer one-on-one coaching, workshops, in-house training and teleclasses. Please contact me at 707.938.2586 or send an email to success@creative1.com to request a schedule of upcoming classes. Contact me if you would like to have me speak to your group.
ewomennetwork.com Its an organization that is not just for women. It offers an amazing array of services, events and support for entrepreneurs
Small Business Development Centers
http://www.tsnn.com/ The site for tradeshow news, events and resources.
http://www.startitquick.com/ If you want to set up credit card processing with a company that cares and will support you.
Suggested Reading
Loving What Is - Byron Katie (overcoming limitations)
Get Slightly Famous - Steven Van Yoder
Savvy Networking - Andrea R. Nierenberg
Marketing Your Services for People Who Hate to Sell - Rick Crandall
9 Lies That are Holding Your Business Back - Chandler and Beckford
The Law of Attraction - Esther and Jerry Hicks (intentions)
BRAG! - The Art of Tooting Your Own Horn - Peggy Klaus (marketing message)
A Clear Eye for Branding - Tom Asacker (branding)
All Marketers Are Liars - Seth Godin (story telling)
The Obvious Expert - Elsom Eldridge
Entrepreneur - A free montly publication. http://www.entrepreneur.com
I look
forward to working with you.
Judy Baker
Client Connectability Coach