Completely Creative Magnetic Marketing Action Group – Starts on March 3

by Judy Baker on February 11, 2008

Are you generating a consistent stream of new, profitable clients?
(or are you still struggling with marketing?)
If you’re a Creative Professional or an Entrepreneur and you are not attracting as much business as you’d like, there is a reason. You’re avoiding marketing for one or more of the reasons below:

  • You resist marketing because of fear of rejection or worry about doing it wrong.
  • Marketing feels like a chore. It’s not fun and not easy.
  • You don’t know how to get the attention of prospects.
  • You’re not good at writing copy for marketing materials.
  • You are not sure which marketing tactics work best.
  • You can’t find the time to fit marketing into your schedule.
  • You don’t have a plan to put it all together.
  • Add yours here ______________________________

There’s a different way to market yourself
The above reasons (and many more) are what I’ve heard from Creative Professionals. Like you, I used to believe that Marketing is hard, it’s not fun, there’s no time, and besides it really doesn’t work anyway! My personal favorite, my work speaks for itself.
But deep down, you know there must be a way to effectively market your services. You’ve seen other professionals do it. You’ve seen business associates with no more expertise and intelligence than you, gain more attention, attract more business and make more money with seemingly a lot less struggle and effort.

So, what’s their secret?
Well, it’s not one secret, it’s at least seven secrets. They are doing things that most Independent Professionals simply don’t do.

  1. They make marketing into a game that they play to win. They realize there are certain rules to follow.
  2. They have a mindset about marketing that is positive, not negative. It’s based on contribution, not fear.
  3. They know how to speak about their business in a way that naturally attracts attention and interest.
  4. They have a marketing message that stands out and makes it clear to everyone what value they offer.
  5. They have marketing materials that build trust and credibility because they explain what the client gets, not what they do.
  6. They implement a select number of marketing tactics or activities and they apply them religiously.
  7. They have action plans that guide their marketing, not random activities implemented sporadically, if at all.

But these seven secrets really don’t help you much unless you know how they actually work. How do you change your mindset, make marketing into a game, get attention and implement successful marketing tactics and plans? How can you learn this quickly?
You need to grow your business now, not someday. You need the tools and skills for marketing your services as soon as possible. And you need a proven, reliable approach for learning how to do this.

Becoming a better marketer

I’ve been working with Independent Professionals to attract more clients. I’ve helped them with everything listed above and more. I’ve given them the tools and helped them develop the skills that turned them into better marketers who could attract business consistently, with less struggle and effort.

In addition to working individually with clients, I’ve held workshops, conducted seminars that all were focused on increasing their ability to attract more clients.

But despite great success with all these approaches it’s been a challenge to meet the most frequent demand: Help us become better marketers more quickly and at a lower cost.

A Marketing Laboratory
I’ve created “Marketing Action Groups.” Their purpose is to develop an effective group process that results in quickly developing marketing tools and skills. The process is actually quite simple and it includes the following four elements:

Information - You learn the seven fundamental practices to effectively marketing a professional service business, in interactive sessions conducted by teleconference.

Application - You can apply these marketing practices between teleconference sessions by doing very focused assignments and applying them to actual marketing challenges.

Participation – Participants interact with both me and other participants and everyone learns from everyone else. Nobody sits back and says “do it to me.” Everyone gets involved.

Accountability – You make a commitment to take action and receive feedback from me and other members of your group.

This formula is proven to be very effective. Instead of just getting information (as in a workshop or seminar) you are actually applying what you learn to your current marketing challenges. Your mindset shifts, marketing became more of a game, marketing messages and materials improved, and tactics and plans are implemented successfully.
Ready? Here’s Seven Steps We Will Cover

1. Marketing Ball – Turning marketing into a game
If marketing is a game (and it most certainly is), you need to know the rules and the moves to win. You can’t even get on base until you know what generates attention and interest in a prospective client. And when you know where all your prospects are on the game board, you’ll know what move to make.

2. Marketing Mindset – A new mindset about marketing
We’ll uncover your old, worn out and counter-productive marketing mindset. Then we’ll apply the most powerful process yet discovered to turn that mindset inside out. You’ll never think of marketing the same way again. For many, this will be the most important part of the program.

3. Marketing Syntax – The language of marketing
At the heart of it, marketing is all about communication. What comes out of your mouth and what you write is what moves a prospect into action. When you learn the simple syntax to the language of marketing, you’ll start communicating with impact.

4. Marketing Messages – That get attention and interest
A marketing message isn’t a clever tag line or logo, it’s a three-part formula that’s actually easy to create and implement. You can test its effectiveness immediately and fine tune it until you get a “that’s for me!” response every time you speak about your business.

5. Marketing Currency – Powerful marketing information
Currency buys things. In marketing, currency buys interest, credibility, trust and engagement. You’ll learn how to create your own marketing currency in the form of an Audio Logo, an Executive Summary and every kind of written, printed and online marketing materials.

6. Marketing Tactics – The ways you get out there
There are dozens of tactics you could employ to get the word out about your services. But you need to know when and how to apply them for the best results. You’ll learn the secrets to applying tactics that your prospects are most likely to respond to.

7. Marketing Action Plans – A focused track to run on
A plan isn’t just a to-do list. It’s more like a recipe with several ingredients that need to be combined and cooked to perfection. You’ll discover how to apply marketing action plans that ensure a stream new clients is the final result.

Who is the Marketing Action Group For?
If you feel that the professional service you provide is making the world a better place, is helping people reach their potential, is reducing stress and struggle, and is bringing more balance, fulfillment and aliveness – to individuals, organizations and the world – then you’re ready for the program.

It’s also for those who actually want to have fun with their marketing. Yes, I know this is a stretch for some, but creative work is fun, and marketing is creative work. Be prepared to take your business to places it hasn’t been before and have a great time getting there.

Completely Creative Magnetic Marketing Action Group

  • 8 sessions held over a four-month period (twice a month group calls facilitated by me)
  • Assignments between sessions that help you transform your mind set and create new business
  • Meet with your own small group online or by phone at least twice a month
  • Plus a sixty minute One-on-one coaching session each month with me

Payment Options:
$1900, $200 discount of (10%) = $1710 if paid in full in advance
Monthly: $475
Dates: March 3, 17 & 31, April 14 & 28, May 12, 26, June 9
Time: 3:30-5pm PST
Limited to 12 participants
Workbook included
Led by: Judy Baker, Certified Action Plan Marketing Coach
RSVP: Send payment (check, cash or credit card accepted) to:
Completely Creative, 16881 Schiller Court, Sonoma, CA 95476-3449
To pay by credit card, fax your registration to: 707.996.5185
or return your completed form via email

Download your registration form at

Once you have registered, I will send you a confirmation with the teleconference call in number and password.

Don’t wait – class starts on Monday March 3rd.


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