The Value of Showing up

by Judy Baker on September 21, 2010

As Woody Allen said: “80% of success is showing up.”

Albert Einstein said this: “If a is success in life than a equals X. less why plus the. Work is X.; Y. is play; and Z. is keeping your mouth shut.”

Walter Scott had a slightly different take: “If you have no friends to share or rejoice in your success in life-if you cannot look back to those whom you owe gratitude, or forward to those to whom you ought to afford protection, still it is no less incumbent on you to move steadily in the path of duty; for your active excretions argue not only to society: but in humble gratitude to the being who made you a member of it, with powers to save yourself and others.

The way in which you show up makes a difference

This past weekend I was at a party to celebrate the birthday of one of my friends. It was a joyous gathering and yet it was a good deal of reflection about our lives and challenges over the past years. There were several survivors of life-threatening illnesses, financial challenges, business success and all that goes with it. Even positive growth brings with it its own unique challenges and pressures.

What amazed me most about this group is the loving and supportive nature shared by everyone there. At different times some of us are recipients of the generosity and care of others. Our roles change over time and sometimes we are the givers, caregivers, support givers, givers of energy, time, and expertise.

Many of those at the party have participated in a healing circle that meets every week and focuses on healing those present, the families and friends near and far, as they each need and are willing to receive this gift of healing.

On the top of my mind is the challenge facing my dear friends, the Myers,. The past four years have brought unexpected challenges into their lives and now Randy is in the struggle of his life. Although his wife Deborah is usually the one to be giving to others, now it’s time for both of them to be on the receiving end. The group of friends are planning a benefit event to help raise money to pay for the treatment Randy is receiving to help him in his battle against cancer. I have been asked to help with the language and messaging for this event. It is a small part of my love that goes into these words.

Randy and Deborah Myers

For those of you who know and have been touched by either Randy or Deborah or both of them, please contact me at 707.938.2586 if you’d like to be part of the upcoming benefit or would like to contribute to the fund raising efforts.

This incredible network of friends and family is taking shape because as I said in the beginning, we showed up, we share our joys, and we give and receive in gratitude. To me, that is what networking is all about and there is no separation between how you network in business and in life.

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