The Twitter Model of Networking

by Judy Baker on June 14, 2011

Music videos and more specifically, MTV created a new kind of information delivery. Style became more important than content. Watch a few music videos and you will see that ultra-quick cuts from one image to another blur your ability to digest what you see. This style spread to other forms of media. It seems to have became a mantra. I see as an ode to shortened attention spans. This constantly changing imagery might work well as entertainment, but it falls short when applied to building relationships and building your brand.

Twitter, a micro-blog format that uses a container of 140 characters is brilliant. Tweets are teasers. They usually point the reader to the locations of more detailed content. Those who are interested, follow the link. You can’t tell everything in 140 characters, but you can get me interested. Tweets are great at starting a conversation.

Apply the Twitter model to your conversations in network settings. when meeting someone new focus your attention on gathering information and getting them interested in you so you can follow up with an in depth conversation. Try this approach at your next networking meeting.

Become a detective

Ask questions. Listen more than you speak. Here is what I expect you will notice:

  • People will be more relaxed talking with you.
  • They will enjoy the conversation.
  • They will feel special.
  • You will learn more about the people you meet that you did when you buried them with information about you.
  • You will more easily identify people you want to know better and which ones are not a fit for you
  • You’ll be more relaxed
  • You’ll have a higher purpose for your conversations
  • You’ll have a good reason to follow up with the people you meet

Less is More

Magic CarpetIf you have trouble relating to the Twitter model of networking, maybe you can relate to the live of legendary Scheherazade. She was able to postpone her imminent execution by entertaining the Sultan with her tales told over 1001 nights.

Keep yourself a little mysterious and people will want to find out your secrets.Reveal them over time to keep them interested, and coming back for more.

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