Thank You – Steve Jobs

by Judy Baker on October 6, 2011

I got an email today from a friend telling me I won an iPad2. That made me very happy.

A few minutes later, I was checking Facebook and found out that Steve Jobs died today. That made me sad.

When Steve was first diagnosed, I was concerned. The survival rates had improved since the days when my father died of pancreatic cancer, but this is one tough adversary. I suspected that his time was running out when he resigned as CEO of Apple.

Thinking back to the beginning of my love affair with Apple, I remembered buying my first Apple computer, a MacSE in 1986. It cost about $3,000. My Apple Laserwriter printer was around $1300. Since those first two Apple products, I have owned a succession of smarter, more powerful and by comparison, less expensive, truly amazing hardware and software made by Apple.

The first day I got to touch a Mac, I was at work at a start up company, Culinary Brands. I was the first employee hired. I was given a choice of computers, Mac or PC. I was used to working on all kinds of systems, including DOS-based computers. I was somewhat adventurous, so I asked to try out the Mac. Without any instruction, I was able to figure out how to use that computer. I was in love. Finally, a computer that worked the same way as my brain. You see, I am not the most linear of thinkers. I approach problems from a heuristic view, plucking what I need when I need it, to arrive at a solution.

That afternoon, I was able to create text documents, a spreadsheet or two, and graphics. I was in heaven. I went on to become a marketing consultant, plucking the keyboard as my ideas became real. Graphic design was my gateway to a new career, made possible by that first little MacSE. Earlier today, I was editing movies on my MacBook Pro – how far we have come in so short a time.

The tools produced by Apple gained sophistication and inspired new industries and creativity in the world. The deliciousness of how Apple products look, feel and delight keeps me coming back for more. My love affair continues. My work tools include an iPhone and MacBook Pro. I am eager to embrace the loveliness of the iPad.

Steve Jobs made it possible for me to work anywhere I choose. He inspired a whole generation, and then another, and another.

I am grateful for the power and information I have at my fingertips because of his vision.

Thank you for all the brilliance, theater and wisdom.

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