Make a Video Fast

by Judy Baker on November 10, 2011

I just made a video using Stupeflix. It didn’t take me very long, under an hour, and the results are high quality.

I used still images that I uploaded from my computer. I had a choice of using images stored on line as well. I could add video clips too.


For this video, I recorded a vocal track,  saved it as an MP 3 file and the process to upload it into the project was as simple as loading the photos. You can add music or narration, both if your audio program has multiple tracks. I’ll talk more about audio in a future post.

I was able to preview the movie before exporting it. This gave me an opportunity to rearrange, or delete images before completing my project. I was able to save the project, reopen it, and continue editing.

I decided to export the movie using the free option to test it out. My 1 min. video was processed quickly and I posted it to my Facebook page. I was able to upgrade the quality of the video to an HD version once I had one like on Facebook.

The project was reprocessed in the HD format and with one button I uploaded to my YouTube channel.

From there, I could get the embed code and I popped into the GLB architect’s web site and into this post.

From start to finish in less than an hour and the results are already posted to YouTube and Facebook.

Stupeflix  is anything but stupid. Give it a try and decide if you want to upgrade to one of their premium versions. I think you’ll like.

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