
You Are Perfect

April 13, 2012

Let your perfection shine. You are perfect as you are. You know enough, you are enough, and you are perfect. Next time you have a good idea, test it using the Lean Start-Up model. Invest the smallest amount of resources to test your idea. If it sticks with your audience, you can make it better. […]

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The Prince Charming Marketing Plan

December 8, 2011

  Do you think Prince Charming could find Cinderella if he didn’t know who he was looking for? He searched the land high and low for the woman who fit the glass slipper she had left behind. He knew only one woman was a match. Only one had a foot to fit the shoe he […]

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October 28, 2010

Traction is an interesting concept As defined by Webster’s Dictionary: traction |ˈtrak sh ən| noun 1 the action of drawing or pulling a thing over a surface, esp. a road or track : a primitive vehicle used in animal traction. • motive power provided for such movement, esp. on a railroad : the changeover to […]

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