The Prince Charming Marketing Plan

by Judy Baker on December 8, 2011


Cinderella's Glass SlipperDo you think Prince Charming could find Cinderella if he didn’t know who he was looking for? He searched the land high and low for the woman who fit the glass slipper she had left behind. He knew only one woman was a match. Only one had a foot to fit the shoe he possessed.

When you begin the process of identifying your ideal customer, think like Prince Charming. Hopefully, more than one client is a match for your business. However, narrowing your search is a good place to start when defining your target market.

What are the exact characteristics and attributes of your ideal customers? Where would you be most likely to find them? What makes for a perfect fit with your services? Does your offer perfectly match the needs expressed by your customers? When you match up needs with what you provide, it will be like Cinderella and her perfect fit in the glass slipper.

If you remember the story, Prince Charming searched the land desperately seeking the woman whose foot was an exact match to the glass slipper. It was his only clue to her identity. He spent hours and hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks, sifting through countless princesses, ugly stepsister’s, lots and lots of poor matches before he rediscovered his one true mate.

Fortunately for you, your marketing effort doesn’t need to be so difficult. You can start by writing down all of the attributes of your best customers or those who you want to be your best customers. You have tools at your disposal like Linkedin, business directories, networking groups, and of course, referrals from your existing customers.

Think about how persistent Prince Charming was in the pursuit of his goal. He overcame obstacles. He was tireless. He told everyone in his kingdom his plan. He used the tools he had, word-of-mouth, sending out messages of his intentions, declaring what he wanted, what he was looking for and his desired outcome. If you apply this kind of clarity of purpose to your marketing, I guarantee you will see positive results.

Prince Charming was a man with a plan. He knew who he was looking for, how to tell when he found her, and he knew who didn’t fit his plan. How many of you know your market as well as Prince Charming? Have you taken the time to profile your ideal customers? Are you persistent in casting your net in the right places at the right times?

I hope this somewhat fractured fairy tale not only makes you smile, but it makes you think and take action. Of course, having a little help from your Marketing Fairy Godmother is highly recommended.


Judy Baker, your Completely Creative Action Plan Marketing Coach and Marketing Fairy Godmother

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