Meetup Magic

by Judy Baker on November 5, 2009

I attended the kickoff meeting of the North Bay Webify Your Business Meetup, The group follows a format and tips published by Patrick Schwerdtfeger in his book, Webify Your Business, Internet Marketing Secrets for the Self-Employed (available at You can also get these tips as individual e-course by signing up for them at (if you are patient).

Meetups are great for connecting with people who share your interests. There are thousands of meetups and you can find one or more that matches your passion and geographical location. Visit to find a meetup that fits you.

My friend, Karen Clark took on the leadership role for this meetup. It is a complement to her new business, My Business Presence,

Karen has been using social medial to build her business. She recognized that her knowledge was something of value and wanted to share this with others. I leader my own meetup focusing on marketing conversations and brainstorming.

The Webify meetup is a form of mastermind group. Time to network, share, and declare your goals for the coming week. The beauty of this format is that we are coming together with a focus. The structure is to have a face to face discussion on one aspect of the web each week. We work on small steps to build a big web presence.

The act of setting a goal is only half of the equation for success. Follow through is the place where most people fail, they make plans but don’t take action. Engaging in conversations with accountability partners can make the difference. Making a commitment in front of others strengthens our resolve to get it done.

Small steps lead to big wins.

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