Judy Baker

Getting From Where You Are to Where You Want to Be

October 22, 2008

What keeps us from making our dreams come true? Lack of a dream Lack of a concrete, step-by-step action plan to make it real Fuzzy thinking Poor organization There are tools, techniques and coaches to help with each of these areas. I’d like to share a free resource with you that can help you get […]

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Good Marketing in Bad Times

October 21, 2008

During tough economic times, fear can stimulate behavior, Some business owners react by cutting their marketing budgets and efforts, succumbing to negative events and thoughts. The ones who intend to be here next year are looking for ways to stretch their resources. An article in the October 20, 2008  business section of the Press Democrat […]

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Staying Connected – Adding an RSS Subscribe Button

October 16, 2008

I was just invited to join a social networking site by one of my associates. In the process of completing my profile, I came across something I had been curious about. My web journey led to http://www.addthis.com It is a free site where you create an account for yourself. Then the site will allow you […]

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Fearless Follow up

October 14, 2008

What stops you from making a phone call or sending off a note? It is likely to be a fear of rejection. What we imagine is usually far worse than reality. The fear is just a thought. What are some fear busters you can use to change your thoughts and get into action? Write about […]

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Stop Faking It

July 14, 2008

I just got back from four days in Dallas at the ewomennetwork annual conference. The experience is still vibrating in my heart and head. The stories told continue to inspired me. I am full of hope. I am full of friendship. I am full of  knowledge. Our speakers were amazing. Each had faced and overcome […]

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Mastering your Marketing Mindset

April 24, 2008

Are you an entrepreneur who is has trouble: __ making sense out of marketing and selling __ identifying your ideal target market __ creating powerful marketing materials __ determining the best marketing strategies __ effectively communicating your marketing message __ marketing without feeling like a used-car salesman __ getting beyond the fear of marketing and […]

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Completely Creative Business Breakthrough Workshop

April 24, 2008

If your profits for 2007 were disappointing, would you like to learn to achieve or exceed your profitability goals in 2008? Attend this workshop and gain clarity about your marketing goals, the obstacles that are getting in your way, and start planning the steps you need to take to reach your profitability goals. This business […]

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MAG_02 Marketing Action Group Starts in May

April 8, 2008

Attract More Clients Now If you want to take your marketing to the next level but are stuck in moving forward… This is an article I co-authored with Robert Middleton, the Action Plan Marketing Guru. Fill in these two fields to receive this free article. Check back for more goodies to come. The Queen of […]

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Completely Creative Magnetic Marketing Action Group – Starts on March 3

February 11, 2008

Are you generating a consistent stream of new, profitable clients? (or are you still struggling with marketing?) If you’re a Creative Professional or an Entrepreneur and you are not attracting as much business as you’d like, there is a reason. You’re avoiding marketing for one or more of the reasons below: You resist marketing because […]

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