
Fast and Free Video App

May 9, 2012

Video rocks – so why aren’t you using it yet? People love to watch other people. That is why YouTube is so popular. If you don’t nt know how to use a video camera, or edit video, or have the dollars to buy expensive software, let alone take the time to learn how to use […]

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Multi-Tasking is a Dangerous Myth

April 18, 2012

I nearly incinerated my kitchen the other evening. I was tired and hungry. I had one more task to complete before I stopped working for the night. I thought I would save a bit of time and heat up some soup while I worked. DANGER!!! DANGER!!! DANGER!!! I am famous around my house for blackening […]

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Perfection is the Enemy of Taking Action

April 16, 2012

Have you every been stuck in “Perfection Paralysis”? Have you missed out on opportunities by waiting until everything was perfect? What if you knew your were perfect right now? How would you act? What would be different for you? Weight the value of your effort and investment in an idea or project against what you […]

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You Are Perfect

April 13, 2012

Let your perfection shine. You are perfect as you are. You know enough, you are enough, and you are perfect. Next time you have a good idea, test it using the Lean Start-Up model. Invest the smallest amount of resources to test your idea. If it sticks with your audience, you can make it better. […]

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Treat Your Clients Like Plants in Your Garden

April 11, 2012

April in Northern California brings uncertain weather. Showers, sun, heat, wind, heavy rain. The garden is begging for attention. Established plants are braving the swing in temperatures. They can do that because they are well established. They have a strong infrastructure to support them. Their roots know the earth where they are living. They have […]

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Testimonials are better than Ice Cream

February 29, 2012

I posted my new business portrait on this site and other locations on the web. I was so pleased with my portrait, the photo session and my relationship with the photographer, Erin Hayes, Erin Hayes Photography, that I posted a recommendation for her on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. I got lots of positive comments on […]

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You Can Have “Health at Your Fingertips”

February 11, 2012

If you want to stay well and be productive, take some tips from Deborah Myers, Health at Your Fingertips. Deborah is a healer who uses light, gentle touch, accupressure, Jin Shin Jystu and Theta healing to keep my energy in balance and in flow. Watch as she demonstrates some of the simple things you can […]

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Promote Yourself Like a Rock Star

January 11, 2012

Want your next workshop to sell out? Act like a rock star. If you have ever tried to get tickets to your favorite band, you may have been astonished to find that all the seats were sold in just a few minutes. When well-known performers, like the Rolling Stones announce a new show, they are […]

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Purrfect Video

December 12, 2011

The first thing I learned about video is not to take myself too seriously. It is a great medium and I love it. I admit it. I am somewhat of a ham in front of the camera, on stage, well, anyplace I have an audience. Growing up, I was painfully shy. I learned to get […]

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Tips for using LinkedIn

July 23, 2011

I attended a presentation by Kurt Shaver’s at the Bay Area Consultants Network. His topic: ” Get LinkedIn to Sales”. That’s Kurt to your left. Why is he smiling? He knows the secrets of making LinkedIn work to find customers. Below are a few things I learned from Kurt. Improve Your Profile He gave great […]

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