You Ought to be in Pictures

by Judy Baker on January 13, 2011

YouTube has surpassed Google as the most frequently used search engine online. More than 200 Billion views per day.

Are you on YouTube? If not, what is keeping you from taking advantage of this free and powerful medium? Could it be that you don’t know how to create a video? Maybe you aren’t sure how to publish your movie. Keep reading. I will tell you how you can get yourself into the pictures.

I spent Tuesday in a professional video studio with my video partners. We set up and recorded several business owners. They presented quick tips, testimonials, and we even did a two person interview, and a promotional movie. We experimented with lighting and using a green screen as well as sets. The production team included a professional videographer, sound engineer and myself, as a combination of talent and a coach and director of each segment.

I took some behind the scenes still photos and as I was about to post them to the cast and crew, I remembered I could also create a short movie using Flixtime. Flixtime is an online service that comes in a free and a pro version. I made a sixty second short movie and uploaded it to YouTube. It struck me I could share this resource with you and I made a 10 minute move that goes through the steps to create a Flixtime video. I made this movie with Snapz Pro X, an application that allows me to capture still screen shots from my computer or it can follow along as I demonstrate what I am doing on my computer.

With Flixtimte, you can upload still photos, movie clips, music and titles. The site has a rich set of features, including sound clips, titles and movie templates. Even if you have a face made for radio, by using tools like Flixtime and Snapz Pro, you can put yourself onto YouTube with how to videos in a short time.

Think about what you want to share with your audience through video storytelling. You really ought to be in pictures, now more than ever, if you want to reach your audience.

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