I’m reading Made to Stick by Chip and Dan Heath.
They came up with the traits that make an idea stick.
Sticky ideas are:
S = simple
U = unexpected
C = concrete
C = credentialed
E = emotional
S = stories
Can you improve your marketing using this model?
Did you know that it usually takes 7-9 exposures to a product before a prospect becomes a client? Every year, over 30,000 new products are introduced. How can you stand out amid all this information?
A sticky message helps potential clients remember you. It gives them a clear understanding of what you do and who you do it for, as well as the outcomes they can expect when they work with you.
Real Life Test
I used the “SUCCESs“ framework as a starting point to teach a roomful of 60% consultants how to revise their audio logos.
I asked them to include:
- Who do you serve
- What challenge (or pain) do your clients/prospects face
- What solution/result do you provide
And do it all in 8 words or less
Once I laid the groundwork, they each had about a minute to come up with a new audio logo.
They got to test their message by sharing it with their table mates.
If they did it well, their audience would ask them for their business card and:
“How do you do that? “
The goal of your audio logo is to start a conversation, not to close a sale!
And when you get people to ask you questions, they are more likely to pay attention to what you say. They are invested in hearing how you can help them.
In summary:
Most people were able to pare down their essential message to 8 words or less.
Several participants thanked me for helping them see that less can be more!
What can you do?
- Focus on who you are speaking to (What’s in it for them)
- Choose your words for
- clarity
- simplicity
- emotional impact
- Make it easy for your potential clients to identify themselves as someone you can help.
- Get the attention of potential clients
- Make them curious
- Stimulate them to ask for more information
I reduced my audio logo to:
“I help overwhelmed entrepreneurs attract more clients.”
If you want to know how, come to my workshop on July 21st.
For details, just click this link.
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